Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Our mission is to strengthen community ties, foster cultural exchange, and create a safe, productive learning environment.
Connecting Whitehorse Families will raise volunteer and financial support to address issues and areas of greatest need to empower the parents, teachers and students of Whitehorse middle school to reach their full potential.
To find out about upcoming events and how you can help out, "like" the Connecting Whitehorse Families Facebook Page or email
We are stronger together! There is no fee to join and Whitehorse parents are automatically members. Please join us for the next Connecting Whitehorse Families meeting!
Read the Connecting Whitehorse Families Bylaws
Bylaws of Connecting Whitehorse Families
Section 1: NAME - The name of the organization shall be Connecting Whitehorse Families PTO. The PTO is located at Whitehorse Middle School, 218 Schenk Street, Madison, WI 53714.
Section 2: DESCRIPTION - The PTO is a nonprofit organization that exists for charitable, education, and scientific purposes, including the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 3: MISSION - The mission of Connecting Whitehorse Families PTO is to strengthen community ties, foster cultural exchange, and create a safe, productive learning environment. Volunteer and financial support will be raised and allocated to address issues and areas of greatest need to empower the parents, teachers and students of Whitehorse middle school to reach their full potential.
Membership shall be automatically granted to all parents and guardians of Whitehorse Middle School students, plus all Whitehorse Middle School staff. There are no membership dues. All members have voting privileges, one vote per member.
Section 1: PLANNING COUNCIL - The Planning Council shall consist of the following: Coordinator, the school Principal or his/her designee, Secretary, Treasurer, and Fundraising Chair. The Planning Council may add other positions as needed.
Section 2: TERM OF OFFICE - The term of office for the Planning Council members is one year, beginning August 1 and ending July 31 of the following year.
Section 3: QUALIFICATIONS - Any PTO member is eligible to serve on the Planning Council.
Section 4: DUTIES
Planning Council: The Planning Council will develop the PTO’s annual budget, review bylaws, establish and oversee committees to conduct the work of the PTO, establish fundraising programs, and establish the yearly events calendar.
Coordinator (or Co-Coordinators): Preside at PTO meetings and Planning Council meetings, serve as the official representative of the PTO, and manage and retain all official records of the PTO.
Treasurer: Serve as custodian of the PTO’s finances, collect revenue, pay authorized expenses, follow all financial policies of the PTO, and hold all financial records. The appointed Treasurer will function as Coordinator if that position is unfilled or if the current Coordinator is unable or unwilling to perform his/her duties.
Secretary: The secretary shall take and record minutes, prepare the agenda, handle correspondence, and send notices of meetings to the membership. The secretary also keeps a copy of the minutes book, bylaws, rules, membership list, and any other necessary supplies, and brings them to meetings.
Fundraising Chair: Recruit volunteers to help raise resources to support PTO goals through events, written and online appeals, grants and other means.
Section 5: SELECTION AND REMOVAL - Planning Council members will be selected or removed by a majority membership vote of members present at a time specified by the Planning Council. The election of the next year’s leadership will be voted on before the end of the preceding school year.
Section 6: VACANCY - If a vacancy occurs on the Planning Council, the Coordinator shall appoint a PTO member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. If Coordinator position is vacant, an election to fill vacancies can be held with 30 days advance written announcement of an election is provided to PTO members through an email or hard copy flier.
Section 7: UNFILLED POSITIONS – If there is a lack of elected officers to fill all positions, the elected officers will fill the office of Treasurer first, before filling the other offices to insure there is a Treasurer. The Treasurer may then also fill one or more of the other council positions until other officers can be appointed via election or Article III Section 6.
Section 1: PTO MEETINGS - PTO meetings shall be held to conduct the business of the PTO. Meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Planning Council at least one time annually.
Section 2: VOTING - Each member in attendance at a PTO meeting is eligible to vote. Absentee and proxy votes are not allowed.
Section 3: QUORUM – Five (5) members of the PTO present and voting constitute quorum of the purpose of voting.
Section 1: FISCAL YEAR - The fiscal year of the PTO begins August 1 and ends July 31 of the following year.
Section 2: BANKING - All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of Whitehorse PTO or Connecting Whitehorse Families PTO requiring the signatures of the Principal and Treasurer and held at a local financial institution.
Section 3: REPORTING - All financial activity shall be recorded in a computer-based or manual accounting system. The Treasurer shall reconcile the accounts(s) monthly and report all financial activity. The PTO shall arrange an independent review of its financial records each year. This independent review will include the Treasurer and two non-Council PTO members selected by the Planning Council.
Section 4: ENDING BALANCE - The organization shall leave a minimum of $500 in the treasury at the end of each fiscal year.
Section 5: CONTRACTS - Authority to sign contracts is limited to the Principal, the Chairman, or the designee of either. Contracts also need to be approved by the district, as per MMSD policy.
The Planning Council will review, and if necessary, amend the bylaws at least annually. Any changes must be approved by a 2/3-majority vote of members present at a designated meeting
In the event of dissolution of the PTO, any funds remaining shall be donated to Whitehorse Middle School.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised may be used at the discretion of the Planning Council at any time, as needed.
These bylaws were adopted on March 15, 2017
Version 1